Life can be so unpredictable sometimes. It’s like you are in a field and you have this perfect plan to make things go your way. All of a sudden the place that you are standing on turns into quick sand and you slowly watch yourself drown. Every little thing you think of just kind of serves as weight on your mind. All of this weight makes you heavier and helps you descend faster. Ultimately you have the option to close your eyes and open them in a split second or drown. When you open them in a split second things change and you can grab a rope and come back up. If your eyes stay closed you find yourself paralyzed. Your plan goes up in smoke or it simply drowns with you.

I prefer to adjust and adapt because when I do adapt and I do adjust I can combat that feeling of drowning. I have seen myself near the abyss multiple times and I rather enjoy the idea of staying away from it. The view to the top where there is no end is much better looking down to a place with no real end. Quicksand is there and it will force your will one way or another but what you do is what determines if the quicksand is your ultimate hinderance or your ultimate impetus.